The school prepares students for All India Secondary School Examination conducted by the CBSE, New Delhi. The school has classes from Nursery -XI" Although the medium of instruction is English, school lays emphasis on Hindi, Urdu and Sanskrit also. The subjects which are taught in the normal curriculum are: English, Hindi, Mathematics, General Science, Social Science, Computer Science, Environmental studies, Art and craft, Public speaking, Economics, Urdu, Sanskrit, General Knowledge etc.
Personal Life
The school maintains as individual file for all its children to have a systematic record for the academic as well as co-curricular progress and achievements.
Eligibility for Nursery and KG classes
Children seeking admission to Nursery and K.G. Should have attained the age of 4+ and 5+ years respectively as on the 1st of April of the year.
Test & Examination
The school organises various tests and examinations at regular intervals to assess students.